
Dvoboj v Audiju A8: navigacija HERE proti taksistu

Franz rad vozi taksi, münchenske ulice pa pozna kot lasten žep. Bo to dovolj, da se na cilj pripelje prej kot Audi A8 z navigacijo HERE? Poglejmo.

15.07.2020 Avtor: Audi Team  Fotografije: Arhiv Audi

Audi A8 pred minhensko znamenito stavbo

Kdo je taksist, ki se bo pomeril proti navigacijskemu sistemu?

Oblačno torkovo popoldne, ura je 3, smo na Aralovi bencinski črpalki na Leopoldstraße v Münchnu in Franz Daumer počasi pije kavo. Pred njim je še ena dolga noč in to verjetno ni njegova zadnja kava. Franz je taksist, ki že 14 let dela samo v nočni izmeni. A mu ni niti malo težko. Münchenčan je eden redkih, ki so se res našli v svojem delu. »Če ta služba ne bi obstajala, bi si jo moral izmisliti,« se smeji. »Ljubim svoje delo. Sam si lahko izbiram delovni čas, ampak najraje sem na cesti ponoči. Žurerji so tako pisani in veliko bolj sproščeni.«

Franz je s svojim taksijem v letu in pol naredil že več kot 140.000 kilometrov. Kdor v avtomobilu preživi toliko časa, z njim razvije poseben odnos, zato mu je dal ime Schikeria-Schleuder.

Skupaj sta doživela že marsikaj: »Neke noči sem stal pred Hofbräuhaus, ko se je nenadoma v taksi zavalil nek pijan tip. Šele ko sem ga dobro pogledal, sem ugotovil, da je Bruce Willis. Peljal sem ga 500 metrov, do hotela na koncu ulice. Zgleda se je izgubil, ali pa je malce preveč popil.«

Vedno hiter – tudi brez navigacije

Za razliko od Brucea, se Franz ne sme izgubiti. Da bi dobil licenco za taksi, se je moral večino münchenskih ulic naučiti na pamet. Pozna vsak trg, vsak park in vsako sprehajališče. Mojstrsko se izogiba prometnim zamaškom, intuicija in izkušnje pa sta njegov najboljši navigacijski sistem. Na vprašanje, če bi se pomeril z najbolj natančno navigacijo na svetu, samozavestno pokima in reče: »Vem, kar vem. Sprejemam izziv.«

“We only create things that can become real in some form. The technology has to exist to make the concept feasible.”

The Pop.Up Next concept doesn’t herald a flying car per se, but a self-driving, self-flying, fully autonomous, electric-powered taxi. It’s designed to operate on a multi-mode principle. Two passengers sit in a capsule, which, for driving purposes, is attached to a four-wheel ground module that is also electric-powered and fully autonomous. For flight mode, the capsule is autonomously detached from the ground module, then attached to an eight-rotor air module or drone capable of vertical take-off.

Volan in digitalni števec avtomobila Audi A8.

Tekmec legendarnega taksista: navigacijski sistem HERE

24 ur kasneje v Audijevem centru tehničnega razvoja v Ingolstadtu: Guido Müller je zelo vznemirjen. Danes se bo pomeril z legendarnim taksistom Franzom Daumerjem v dirki od Schlossmuseuma v Ismaningu do Residenztheatra v centru Münchna. Guido je vodja projekta za navigacijski sistem HERE v Audiju A8.

Po glavi mu roji le eno vprašanje: Kdo bo hitrejši? Taksist Franz z izkušnjami ali navigacijski sistem, ki ga je Guido s sodelavci izpopolnjeval zadnja štiri leta.


Kaj zmore navigacijski sistem HERE v Audiju A8

Da zmore veliko, nam postane jasno že na poti do avtomobila, ko Guido vnese naslov v aplikacijo myAudi na svojem pametnem telefonu. Ta nas najprej vodi do vozila, ko pa se Guido usede vanj, Audi A8 avtomatično nadaljuje z usmerjanjem proti cilju.

»Kupcem želimo nuditi celovito rešitev, ki jih vodi od vrat do avtomobila, nato pa še do cilja,« pojasni Guido, preden zažene motor.

Med vožnjo po cesti A9 proti Münchnu, nam Guido predstavi še ostale funkcionalnosti sistema. Popolnoma sproščen avto usmerja po srednjem voznem pasu le z rahlimi obrati volana. Nenadoma se pred nami pojavi ostrejši ovinek, zato Audi A8 avtomatično zmanjša hitrost. »Ta funkcionalnost se imenuje prilagodljiva asistenca za vožnjo ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control). Navigacija sistem oskrbuje s podatki o cesti, po kateri se vozimo. Vnaprej pozna ovinke, zato jim lahko prilagodi hitrost,« pojasni Guido. »Ta funkcionalnost je pomembna tudi pri avtonomni vožnji.«

Razvoj avtonomne vožnje je tudi eden od razlogov, da je Audi skupaj z ostalimi nemškimi proizvajalci avtomobilov leta 2015 od Nokie odkupil sistem HERE. »HERE je veliko več kot le vodič od točke A do točke B,« pravi. »Njegovi zemljevidi so do deset centimetrov natančni, kar nam bo prišlo prav, ko bomo avtonomno vožnjo dali v serijsko proizvodnjo.«

Natančni zemljevidi so le ena od prednosti sistema HERE, ki prek geopodatkovnega servisa TomTom sprejema ažurne podatke o prometu, izčrpne iskalne rezultate pa od Googla. »Vsaka storitev ima svoje prednosti. Da bi kupcem ponudili najboljše, smo jih združili v enem sistemu,« razlaga Guido med izhodom iz A9.

Taksist Franz spozna svojega tekmeca, navigacijski sistem HERE v Audiju A8

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On board with Angus

“The aeronautical-inspired seatsfeature netting that adjusts to each passenger’s shape.”

The concept certainly appears cool and suitably futuristic, both from outside and inside the ultra-minimalist cabin. My details and my ‘journey’ have already been pre-registered on an app on my smartphone and, as I settle into the seat, I’m recognised and welcomed aboard by PIA, my speaking Personal Intelligent Assistant. The seats certainly feel comfortable, and, currently, there’s sufficient space behind them to hold a couple of small bags, although it’s possible the flying taxi will be smaller in size when it reaches production. The ‘dashboard’ in front of me is one large screen that incorporates augmented-reality technology and enables me to highlight icons simply by moving my eyes

By pressing on a small touchpad mounted between the seats, I can then choose the ambient-lighting theme I desire, and the type of music I wish to listen to through the speakers built into the headrests. Naturally, there is plenty of glass area to provide occupants with a fine view as they soar over the city, although the floor below my feet is not transparent – and deliberately so, as Nicolas points out: ‘We wanted to create an open environment that enables passengers to enjoy the experience, but we also wanted to ensure they felt safe and weren’t frightened.’

Audi A8 TFSI e

Audi.si: Audi A8 60 TFSI e quattro

Prvovrstna luksuzna limuzina in inovativen priključni hibrid v enem – to je Audi A8 60 TFSI e quattro. Z bogato ponudbo informacijskih in razvedrilnih tehnologij vozniku, sovozniku in potnikom na zadnjih sedežih omogoča celovito digitalno povezanost tudi v vozilu.

Preberite več


Taxist Franz, naslonjen na svoj rumen taxi avtomobil

Malce pred našim prihodom pred Schlossmuseum v Ismaningu, se na zaslonu pojavi vprašanje, ali potrebujemo parkirno mesto. »To avto vpraša vsakič, ko se približa cilju. Če voznik odgovori pritrdilno, programska oprema poišče prazno mesto in ga usmeri tja,« pojasni Guido. Mi pa ne iščemo parkirnega mesta, ampak Guidovega današnjega tekmeca – taksista Franza.

Audi A8 na ulici v Minhnu.

Naslonjen na Schickerio-Schleuder čaka ob robu ceste. Ko Guido izstopi iz avtomobila, se prijateljsko pozdravita. Franz bi seveda rad čimprej spoznal svojega nasprotnika, zato se usede v sovoznikov sedež Audija A8 in radovedno pregleda notranjost, Guido pa mu na kratko predstavi navigacijo HERE.

Možaka se očitno dobro razumeta, a dirka čaka. Franz se usede nazaj v svoj taksi in oba odbrzita. Hitro pospešita in se podata v večerno prometno konico.

One of the big problems we’ll have is acceptance.

Massimo Martinotti, head of mobility solutions, Italdesign

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The journey is the reward

The company has already conducted a flight in public, at Drone Week in Amsterdam last year – but using a 1:4 scale model. The flight module accurately placed a passenger capsule on the ground module, which then drove from the test grounds autonomously. This proved the effectiveness of the Airbus coupling system and its locking and latching functionality. The air module currently rests on legs to make docking easier, but it’s envisaged that such legs would not be required by the time the concept reaches production.

To make the project with full-sized versions viable, more powerful batteries than those that exist today would be required, and Airbus is currently working on developing such technology. Noise is another issue, and reduction of the high-pitched whirring familiar to anyone who has witnessed even a small drone in flight is being sought. Italdesign is working with Audi to develop battery and electric-motor technology for the ground module – an area in which Audi’s engineers have already proven highly competent, as the recent launch of the e-tron SUV testifies. Therefor an Audi engineer is also based with the Italdesign team in Italy.


The journey is the reward

The company has already conducted a flight in public, at Drone Week in Amsterdam last year – but using a 1:4 scale model. The flight module accurately placed a passenger capsule on the ground module, which then drove from the test grounds autonomously. This proved the effectiveness of the Airbus coupling system and its locking and latching functionality. The air module currently rests on legs to make docking easier, but it’s envisaged that such legs would not be required by the time the concept reaches production.

To make the project with full-sized versions viable, more powerful batteries than those that exist today would be required, and Airbus is currently working on developing such technology. Noise is another issue, and reduction of the high-pitched whirring familiar to anyone who has witnessed even a small drone in flight is being sought. Italdesign is working with Audi to develop battery and electric-motor technology for the ground module – an area in which Audi’s engineers have already proven highly competent, as the recent launch of the e-tron SUV testifies. Therefor an Audi engineer is also based with the Italdesign team in Italy.

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“Kupcem želimo nuditi celovito rešitev, ki jih vodi od vrat do avtomobila, nato pa še do cilja.”

Dvoboj med človekom in navigacijskim sistemom se začne

Guido kar naenkrat ni več tako zgovoren, kot je bil na poti do štarta. Audija A8 osredotočeno usmerja skozi gost promet. Navigacija HERE ga spretno vodi po natlačenih cestah.

Franz je pred nami. Na štartu se je bolje odrezal, zato se po ulici Oberföhringerstraße nekaj časa vozimo za njim. Ko jo zapustimo, Franz nenadoma zavije desno, HERE pa nas usmerja naravnost. Ali ve za zastoj, ki ga navigacija ni zaznala? Guido se ne da motiti in se še naprej drži začrtane poti.

A nas zadrži niz rdečih luči. Sekunde postanejo večnost. Morda se je pa Franz namenoma izognil rdečemu valu in se izmuznil po stranskih ulicah. Nas bo Schickeria-Schleuder prehitela?

Guido pospeši po vsaki rdeči luči, a je promet vedno gostejši. Nekajkrat obtičimo v daljšem zastoju. Guidova noga živčno pritiska na plin. Cilj je še vedno oddaljen kilometer in pol. Da bi pridobili nekaj časa, na Maximilianstraße izkoristimo luknjo v koloni in končno po 15 kilometrih prispemo na cilj.


Navigacija HERE tesno zmaga

Franz in Guido debatirata o rezultatih dirke. Guida zanima, zakaj je zavil. »Promet na Oberföhringer je ob tem času navadno zelo gost, zato sem se hotel izogniti zastoju. A sem na žalost zapeljal na gradbišče in izgubil ogromno časa,« odgovori Franz. V Münchnu se delo na cesti namreč pogosto pojavi kar iznenada.

Kakorkoli že, zmaga navigacijskega sistema HERE je bila zelo tesna. Franz poraz prenese zelo športno in Guidu da petko, preden ponovno sede v svojo Schickerio-Schleuder. Kmalu se bo začela njegova izmena.


The journey is the reward

The company has already conducted a flight in public, at Drone Week in Amsterdam last year – but using a 1:4 scale model. The flight module accurately placed a passenger capsule on the ground module, which then drove from the test grounds autonomously. This proved the effectiveness of the Airbus coupling system and its locking and latching functionality. The air module currently rests on legs to make docking easier, but it’s envisaged that such legs would not be required by the time the concept reaches production.

To make the project with full-sized versions viable, more powerful batteries than those that exist today would be required, and Airbus is currently working on developing such technology. Noise is another issue, and reduction of the high-pitched whirring familiar to anyone who has witnessed even a small drone in flight is being sought. Italdesign is working with Audi to develop battery and electric-motor technology for the ground module – an area in which Audi’s engineers have already proven highly competent, as the recent launch of the e-tron SUV testifies. Therefor an Audi engineer is also based with the Italdesign team in Italy.

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The journey is the reward

The company has already conducted a flight in public, at Drone Week in Amsterdam last year – but using a 1:4 scale model. The flight module accurately placed a passenger capsule on the ground module, which then drove from the test grounds autonomously. This proved the effectiveness of the Airbus coupling system and its locking and latching functionality. The air module currently rests on legs to make docking easier, but it’s envisaged that such legs would not be required by the time the concept reaches production.

To make the project with full-sized versions viable, more powerful batteries than those that exist today would be required, and Airbus is currently working on developing such technology. Noise is another issue, and reduction of the high-pitched whirring familiar to anyone who has witnessed even a small drone in flight is being sought. Italdesign is working with Audi to develop battery and electric-motor technology for the ground module – an area in which Audi’s engineers have already proven highly competent, as the recent launch of the e-tron SUV testifies. Therefor an Audi engineer is also based with the Italdesign team in Italy.


The journey is the reward

The company has already conducted a flight in public, at Drone Week in Amsterdam last year – but using a 1:4 scale model. The flight module accurately placed a passenger capsule on the ground module, which then drove from the test grounds autonomously. This proved the effectiveness of the Airbus coupling system and its locking and latching functionality. The air module currently rests on legs to make docking easier, but it’s envisaged that such legs would not be required by the time the concept reaches production.

To make the project with full-sized versions viable, more powerful batteries than those that exist today would be required, and Airbus is currently working on developing such technology. Noise is another issue, and reduction of the high-pitched whirring familiar to anyone who has witnessed even a small drone in flight is being sought. Italdesign is working with Audi to develop battery and electric-motor technology for the ground module – an area in which Audi’s engineers have already proven highly competent, as the recent launch of the e-tron SUV testifies. Therefor an Audi engineer is also based with the Italdesign team in Italy.


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Audi.si: Audi A8 60 TFSI e quattro

Prvovrstna luksuzna limuzina in inovativen priključni hibrid v enem – to je Audi A8 60 TFSI e quattro. Z bogato ponudbo informacijskih in razvedrilnih tehnologij vozniku, sovozniku in potnikom na zadnjih sedežih omogoča celovito digitalno povezanost tudi v vozilu.

Preberite več

Audi A8 med vožnjo na Minhenski ulici - slikan od zadaj.
Dva voznika se rokujeta pred stopnicami. V spredaj taxi avtomobil.

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AudiLab Slovenija

Enkrat mesečno iz naše online revije AudiLab Slovenija pripravljamo izbor zanimivih člankov o inovacijah, e-mobilnosti, trajnostnem razvoju, doživetjih, življenjskem slogu, Audi športu in posebnih ponudbah iz našega prodajnega programa. Naročite ga v svoj e-nabiralnik.

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