
"Audi e-tron extreme": vzdržljivostna preizkušnja

Deset držav v 24 urah: Audi e-tron na turneji

Deset evropskih držav v 24 urah - Audi e-tron (poraba električne energije, kombinirana, v kWh/100 km*: 26,4-22,9 (WLTP); 24,6-23,7 (NEVC); emisija CO2, kombinirana, v g/km: 0) je na impresiven način potrdil svoje lastnosti za vožnje na dolge relacije. 20. avgusta se je devet novinarjev s starta pri Blejskem jezeru v Sloveniji odpravilo na več kot 1600 kilometrov dolgo pot do nizozemskega Amsterdama. Električni SUV jih je pri tem navduševal z velikim dosegom in kratkimi postanki za polnjenje. Če upoštevamo še močni pogon in udobno notranjost, postane električno potovanje doživetje na prestižni ravni.

29.01.2020 Avtor: Audi Team  Fotografije: Arhiv Audi

Audi e-tron na cesti ob robu Blejskega jezera, v ozadju jezero in hiše

1600 kilometrov dolga vzdržljivostna preizkušnja od Slovenije do Nizozemske

Blejsko jezero leži v idilični kotanji na obronkih visoke planote Pokljuka na severozahodu Slovenije. Od tu so se trije Audiji e-tron 55 quattro, vsak s po tremi novinarji na krovu, podali na prav poseben izziv: 10 evropskih držav v 24 urah. Dobrih 1600 kilometrov dolga pot jih je vodila skozi Avstrijo, Italijo, Lihtenštajn, Švico, Francijo, Nemčijo, Luksemburg in Belgijo do nizozemskega Amsterdama. Na etapah, ki bi bile le težko še bolj topografsko raznolike, je Audi e-tron dokazal, kako vzdržljiv, udoben in dinamičen je Audijev prvi popolnoma električni avto.

Audi e-tron je na začetku nove dobe mobilnosti - in vtisnil ji bo močan pečat. "Naš električni SUV je izvrsten avto za dolge relacije, ker med seboj odlično povezuje veliko mero voznega udobja, zmogljivosti in učinkovitosti," je povedal Hans-Joachim Rothenpieler, Audijev direktor za tehnični razvoj. "Z vožnjo, ki so jo opravili novinarji, smo obenem dokazali, da je poleg samega velikega dosega še kako odločilna tudi sposobnost hitrega polnjenja s 150 kW."

Prihranek na času: hitro polnjenje s 150 kW

Pri polnjenju z istosmernim tokom na visokozmogljivih polnilnicah doseže litij-ionska baterija Audija e-tron že po slabih 30 minutah 80-odstotno kapaciteto - ključni prihranek časa na dolgih etapah. Osnova za visoko polnilno moč je kompleksni toplotni management, ki tudi pri veliki obremenitvi skrbi za dolgo življenjsko dobo baterije in za enakomerno močne vozne zmogljivosti. Vseh sedem postankov za polnjenje - na Koroškem, Južnem Tirolskem, Pred­arlskem, v kantonu Zürich, v Breisgauu, pokrajini Eifel in v bližini Lièga - je bilo opravljenih na takšnih hitrih polnilnicah. Te so vključene tudi v sistem e-tron Charging Service, enako kot AC‑polnilnice, na katerih je Audi e-tron mogoče polniti z izmeničnim tokom z močjo do 11 kW. Audijeva lastna polnilna mreža vključuje skupno več kot 100.000 polnilnih točk v 19 državah EU - in število še vedno narašča. Postopek polnjenja na takšnem polnilnem stebričku lahko uporabnik sproži s kartico. Za uporabo se mora le registrirati na portalu myAudi in skleniti individualno pogodbo za polnjenje. Obračun poteka avtomatizirano prek shranjenega uporabniškega računa - brez fizičnega plačilnega sredstva. Posameznim državam prilagojene poenotene tarife omogočajo preprosto, brezskrbno potovanje brez nadležnega primerjanja cen.

Audi e-tron na cesti ob Blejskem jezeru. V ozadju drugi avtomobili in hiše

Etapni zmagovalec: popolna kombinacija zmogljivosti, učinkovitosti in udobja

Zaradi raznolikosti odsekov poti je Audi e-tron 55 quattro (poraba električne energije, kombi­nirana, v kWh/100 km*: 26,4-22,9 (WLTP); 24,6-23,7 (NEVC); emisija CO2, kombinirana, v g/km: 0) lahko pokazal tudi svoje specifične voznodinamične odlike. V Alpah se je na vzponih izkazal z maksimalno močjo do 300 kW in navorom 664 Nm. Med spusti je izkoriščal svoj izjemni koncept rekuperacije: med zaviranjem lahko regenerira in v električno energijo pretvori do 220 kW in 300 Nm - med konkurenco je to rekordna vrednost. Poleg tega je električni štirikolesni pogon na ovinkastih odsekih poti na Južnem Tirolskem zagotavljal optimalno vlečno silo in dinamiko. Ta tip pogona s stalnim in popolnoma variabilnim uravnavanjem skrbi za idealno porazdeljevanje pogonskega navora med sprednjo in zadnjo premo, pri čemer do potrebnih prilagoditev prihaja v delčku sekunde.

Na konstantno voženih ravninskih etapah ob Renu, v Belgiji in na Nizozemskem je k nizki porabi močno prispevala izpiljena aerodinamika vozila s količnikom upora (cx) le 0,27. Med celotno vožnjo je električno gnani cestni terenec nenazadnje prepričal z visokim kotalnim udobjem in nizkim nivojem hrupa. Ti dve lastnosti sta na ravni višjega avtomobilskega razreda, kar velja tudi za prostornost, ki je je zaradi zasnove pogona veliko še zlasti na zadnjih sedežih v predelu nog. Izjemne lastnosti vozila za dolge relacije dopolnjujejo usnjeni sedeži z masažno funkcijo, ionizator za prvovrstno kakovost zraka in linijska/ambientna osvetlitev, ki med nočnimi vožnjami notranjost spremeni v oazo prijetnega počutja.




*Podatki o porabi elektrike oziroma goriva in izpustih CO2 lahko odstopajo glede na izbrano opremo avtomobila.

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On board with Angus

“The aeronautical-inspired seatsfeature netting that adjusts to each passenger’s shape.”

The concept certainly appears cool and suitably futuristic, both from outside and inside the ultra-minimalist cabin. My details and my ‘journey’ have already been pre-registered on an app on my smartphone and, as I settle into the seat, I’m recognised and welcomed aboard by PIA, my speaking Personal Intelligent Assistant. The seats certainly feel comfortable, and, currently, there’s sufficient space behind them to hold a couple of small bags, although it’s possible the flying taxi will be smaller in size when it reaches production. The ‘dashboard’ in front of me is one large screen that incorporates augmented-reality technology and enables me to highlight icons simply by moving my eyes

By pressing on a small touchpad mounted between the seats, I can then choose the ambient-lighting theme I desire, and the type of music I wish to listen to through the speakers built into the headrests. Naturally, there is plenty of glass area to provide occupants with a fine view as they soar over the city, although the floor below my feet is not transparent – and deliberately so, as Nicolas points out: ‘We wanted to create an open environment that enables passengers to enjoy the experience, but we also wanted to ensure they felt safe and weren’t frightened.’

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One of the big problems we’ll have is acceptance.

Massimo Martinotti, head of mobility solutions, Italdesign

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The journey is the reward


The journey is the reward

The company has already conducted a flight in public, at Drone Week in Amsterdam last year – but using a 1:4 scale model. The flight module accurately placed a passenger capsule on the ground module, which then drove from the test grounds autonomously. This proved the effectiveness of the Airbus coupling system and its locking and latching functionality. The air module currently rests on legs to make docking easier, but it’s envisaged that such legs would not be required by the time the concept reaches production.

To make the project with full-sized versions viable, more powerful batteries than those that exist today would be required, and Airbus is currently working on developing such technology. Noise is another issue, and reduction of the high-pitched whirring familiar to anyone who has witnessed even a small drone in flight is being sought. Italdesign is working with Audi to develop battery and electric-motor technology for the ground module – an area in which Audi’s engineers have already proven highly competent, as the recent launch of the e-tron SUV testifies. Therefor an Audi engineer is also based with the Italdesign team in Italy.

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“It’ll take a while for the drones to arrive in great numbers – maybe by 2030.”

So, let’s assume that the technology can be developed to make the flying taxi operate safely, all legislative issues can be successfully resolved, and the public is happy not only to travel in such a vehicle but also to live in a city with them flying overhead. How might it all work in practice, and by when might it happen? ‘It’ll take a while for the drones to arrive in great numbers – maybe by 2030,’ explains Massimo. ‘We estimate that there could be 200,000 to 300,000 of them in operation all over the world by then, and several thousand could be deployed in a city like London. We envisage that, to start with, they’d operate in strict air corridors only, perhaps flying from the airport and landing on a tower downtown. But, in the long term, it may be possible to open up the sky and give them more freedom.’

While the current model is being designed to have a short, cross-city range, Massimo surmises that, as technology advances, it may even be possible for longer journeys to be undertaken. Massimo however is convinced the flying taxi will become a reality and is clearly very much looking forward to taking a flight in it. ‘After all,’ he adds with a smile, ‘humankind has always had the dream of taking to the sky, right back to the time of Leonardo da Vinci and his flying machines.’


The journey is the reward

The company has already conducted a flight in public, at Drone Week in Amsterdam last year – but using a 1:4 scale model. The flight module accurately placed a passenger capsule on the ground module, which then drove from the test grounds autonomously. This proved the effectiveness of the Airbus coupling system and its locking and latching functionality. The air module currently rests on legs to make docking easier, but it’s envisaged that such legs would not be required by the time the concept reaches production.

To make the project with full-sized versions viable, more powerful batteries than those that exist today would be required, and Airbus is currently working on developing such technology. Noise is another issue, and reduction of the high-pitched whirring familiar to anyone who has witnessed even a small drone in flight is being sought. Italdesign is working with Audi to develop battery and electric-motor technology for the ground module – an area in which Audi’s engineers have already proven highly competent, as the recent launch of the e-tron SUV testifies. Therefor an Audi engineer is also based with the Italdesign team in Italy.

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The journey is the reward

The company has already conducted a flight in public, at Drone Week in Amsterdam last year – but using a 1:4 scale model. The flight module accurately placed a passenger capsule on the ground module, which then drove from the test grounds autonomously. This proved the effectiveness of the Airbus coupling system and its locking and latching functionality. The air module currently rests on legs to make docking easier, but it’s envisaged that such legs would not be required by the time the concept reaches production.

To make the project with full-sized versions viable, more powerful batteries than those that exist today would be required, and Airbus is currently working on developing such technology. Noise is another issue, and reduction of the high-pitched whirring familiar to anyone who has witnessed even a small drone in flight is being sought. Italdesign is working with Audi to develop battery and electric-motor technology for the ground module – an area in which Audi’s engineers have already proven highly competent, as the recent launch of the e-tron SUV testifies. Therefor an Audi engineer is also based with the Italdesign team in Italy.


The journey is the reward

The company has already conducted a flight in public, at Drone Week in Amsterdam last year – but using a 1:4 scale model. The flight module accurately placed a passenger capsule on the ground module, which then drove from the test grounds autonomously. This proved the effectiveness of the Airbus coupling system and its locking and latching functionality. The air module currently rests on legs to make docking easier, but it’s envisaged that such legs would not be required by the time the concept reaches production.

To make the project with full-sized versions viable, more powerful batteries than those that exist today would be required, and Airbus is currently working on developing such technology. Noise is another issue, and reduction of the high-pitched whirring familiar to anyone who has witnessed even a small drone in flight is being sought. Italdesign is working with Audi to develop battery and electric-motor technology for the ground module – an area in which Audi’s engineers have already proven highly competent, as the recent launch of the e-tron SUV testifies. Therefor an Audi engineer is also based with the Italdesign team in Italy.


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Audi e-tron med vožnjo na cesti, ob cesti veliko zelenih dreves
Audi e-tron med vožnjo na avtocesti, v ozadju še en Audi e-tron

 e-tron: naša popolnoma električna pogonska tehnologija
 e-tron: naša popolnoma električna pogonska tehnologija

e-tron: naša popolnoma električna pogonska tehnologija

Elektrifikacija in digitalizacija predstavljata pomembni tematiki današnjega časa. Istočasno predstavljata ključ do bolj trajnostne prihodnosti. Popolnoma elektrificirana vozila znamke Audi nosijo oznako e-tron.

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AudiLab Slovenija

Enkrat mesečno iz naše online revije AudiLab Slovenija pripravljamo izbor zanimivih člankov o inovacijah, e-mobilnosti, trajnostnem razvoju, doživetjih, življenjskem slogu, Audi športu in posebnih ponudbah iz našega prodajnega programa. Naročite ga v svoj e-nabiralnik.

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